Mountain Trike customer Amanda Davidson on what having a Mountain Trike wheelchair means to her

23rd February 2017

General News MT Adventures Press

Mountain Trike customer Amanda Davidson on what having a Mountain Trike wheelchair means to her


Mountain Trike customer, Amanda Davidson is featured in the Feb / March issue of PosAbility magazine talking about what having a Mountain Trike, all terrain wheelchair means to her...

While approaching 10 years’ service, Metropolitan Police officer Amanda Davidson sustained multiple back injuries at the hands of a schizophrenic patient during a domestic call and was forced to take early retirement. As Amanda explains, there were some positives. She met her husband the day she left London and the couple now have two teenage daughters.

She takes up the story: “Life has not been smooth. I developed Lupus shortly after leaving, had a stroke at 38 and then the Lupus attacked the site of my spinal fixation. For the last six years, I have been using a wheelchair for anything other than light walking in the house. Anything more and the legs paralyze. The more often this happens, the higher the chance the paralysis will become permanent. “My body wasn’t playing ball but my brain was still as stubborn as when I was a copper. I then discovered Support Dogs and they inspired me...

Click the link to read the rest of her story...

PosAbility mag Mountain Trike feature

And if you want more, read all about her incredible 2016 Snowdon adventure here.

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