eKit battery charging safety advice

15th August 2023

Maintenance eTrike info Useful Info

eKit battery charging safety advice

We've provided information in the past about our eKit battery care and how best to charge your battery. In light of recent news around the potential risk of fires caused by eBike battery charging it feels like a good time to update our recommendations and provide further safety advice.

Available as a dowloaded file is a really useful official resource sheet on guidance from the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), so please take a look at the sheet. Of particular importance is that charging overnight is highlighted as not best practise.

NFCC guidance sheet

The key points to take from the NFCC advice, plus some extra information form our own experience with the batteries are:

The fire council does highlight that many of these reported fires are from low quality or counterfeit battery products, so we can reassure you that we only use high quality batteries and chargers bought directly from the reputable manufacturer.

If you have a spare battery, it is advisable to store at around 50% charge. This may require periodic ‘top up’ charging as storing the battery fully flat for long periods of time can cause cells to over discharge and cease working. Or alternate between the 2 batteries you have so that both batteries are used and maintained.

Also read our previous blog piece for more information on our eKit battery care.

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