MS Life 2016, ExCel, London - come and see the Mountain Trike team

2nd September 2016

General News

MS Life 2016, ExCel, London - come and see the Mountain Trike team


Imagine everything you ever wanted or needed to know about MS under one roof. Then check your diary and see if you’re able to get to London on either 17 or 18 September, because you will find precisely that at ExCel, where the MS Society will be hosting the biggest free lifestyle and information event of its kind in Europe – MS Life 2016.

What’s more, we’ll be there, and would love you to come and see us!

Whilst we dare say you need go no further than the Mountain Trike stand, where we’ll be delighted to welcome you at our very own area, the event offers information and advice on every element of life with MS. The space will be split into lifestyle zones, including Managing my MS symptoms, Mood and Cognition, Work and Benefits, Mobility, the Get Active zone, and Science, Family and Carers. There will be talks by leading MS researchers, as well as workshops, and cooking demonstrations.

We will have on display our off-road all-terrain Mountain Trike wheelchairs and Roger and Louise will be on hand to chat and offer demos on our award winning products.

MS Life is an entirely free event, the organisers request that you do book a place in advance if possible, but at the same time you are able to simply turn up on the day. Dates, times and venue are as follows:

Saturday 17 September: 12pm-7pm; Sunday 18 September: 11am-4pm

ExCeL London, 
East Entrance, 
East Victoria Dock Road, 
London E16 1SL, 
United Kingdom.

For more information about the event, please visit the MS Life website here , or go straight to booking your place here

Alternatively, please do contact us at Mountain Trike if you have any queries we may be able to help you with.

We look forward to seeing you there!

MT Model Range

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